March 19, 2008

Jury Duty

February 28,2008 9:43pm
Thanks to technology. We check the weather before we get out of the house for a trip. We sign up for airline alert so we know if there is any flight delay or cancellation. We could reschedule online or on the phone fairly easy.
But sorry, the court system is still at the Stone Age. They need you to stay in the central room for hours. In some courts, you may even need to sign in and out for a break to the restroom. If your case is rescheduled, they will tell you after you show up in court.
If only the court could send email alert or text to cell phones! Could they at least give jurors a pager (like those given by the restaurants)? That way, we could take a nap in our cars, walk around the neighborhood, get a coffee, or go to the library/bank?
Some courts are nice. They have computers for you (but with very short time out), wireless connection (great if you have a laptop), TV (news channel only). But most don’t. Make sure you bring along your portable DVD player, games and books if you go for jury duty.
As for me, I translated 100 pages of a book during my first two days of jury duty, i.e. the period of just sitting and waiting to see if I would be selected to serve… oh yes, I am selected AGAIN.

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