July 23, 2008

Made In U.S.A.

A visiting friend asked what he should buy for souvenir. Well, there are so many souvenir stores. We should be able to get something right. So, we shopped around New York City -- from Chinatown to Harlem, from 99-cents gift shop to Fifth Avenue. We could not find one non-food product that symbolize U.S.A. and is made in U.S.A. -- GM or Ford vehicles don't count.

Thanks to globalization. We have dedicated areas on the Earth specialized in manufacturing and some other areas "focus on services". Is it really making sense?

July 09, 2008

Keep Changing Plans

I like to plan ahead. Even going to a day trip, I would spend some time to do research to make sure I could spend the time there in the most efficient way. Depending on the nature of the plan, I always build in some alternatives for any uncertainties.

The reality is that nothing goes as the ideal plan. I have to keep changing plans to accommodate the environment. Sometimes I wonder if it would be easier to just go as the flow. But I can’t. It is not me. I have to know what to expect in order to work effectively. With such expectation, I get disappointment every now and then. It is when we have to change plan again.

To plan or not to plan? For me, it is not an option.

July 01, 2008

It Is a Matter of Priority And Determination

When I left work today, my colleague said "Run. Go to your second job." She was referring to picking up the children from summer camp and nursery school. She knew I was late. What she did not know was that I was actually running to my first job.

Don’t get me wrong. I am very serious about my career and have been working damn hard at my full-time job. Nevertheless, nothing is comparable to my role as a mother. My three "bosses" are my first priority, my life. I am always there when they need me. If any of them is sick or have performance/competition, everything has to wait. I will reschedule meetings. I will finish work late at night. I will skip blogging.

People always ask how I could manage so many things. I believe it is a matter of priorities and determination. If you fill your bottle with stones first, it will have room for sand and water. Not the other way though.

Am I tired? Physically, sometimes. Mentally and spiritually, never better. My children are my source of happiness and motivation. They make me more passionate about life and more engaged in my work. They are my angels.

I would not be able to balance work and life without others’ help. I am thankful to have:

  • a understanding husband (Well, he actually does a lot more than just understanding.)
  • accommodating employers (Flexibility is the key.)
  • a great babysitter (I consider myself won a lotto to have her before my children goes to school.)
  • a supportive family (They live close and have been my back-up whenever I need.)
Thank you all!