May 28, 2008

Private Time with Each Child

It is not easy to balance between work and family, not to mention when you have multiple children. Distributing the fair amount of attention to each is no less challenging than working on several projects with close deadlines. I have three little daughters. I always have to split myself up and give each of them few minutes at a time. They have to take turn to talk to Mommy, but the wait should not be long.

My youngest Princess had a photo shoot the other day. So, she could not join the other sisters to the Yankees Stadium for the baseball game. She complained it was unfair at the beginning. But as soon as she realized she could have Mommy the whole evening and night just for herself, she was overjoyed.

It was Friday 5:30pm when we finished the shooting, Princess HH wanted to do some shopping at the mall. So we did. I must say shopping with one kid is very relaxing. If you don’t agree, try shop with three young ones.

After we picked our gifts, we stopped by Chuck E Cheese’s to play some games. Within the 15 minutes we were there, Princess HH probably played more games than she had in an hour when her sisters were around taking turns.

The two of us had dinner in a restaurant picked by Princess HH and dishes ordered by the 3-year-old. We chatted about her friends, school, Sesame monsters, and of course the sisters. Oh, we had so much fun.

As for my other two Princesses, they were happy not to have a “baby” around. After all, they think watching game at the stadium is a big kid thing.

Lesson learned: I should separate my Princesses for different activities every now and then. I mean real activities, not just having one in piano class while another one in ballet. More importantly, I should give each of them some private time with Mommy. Such time is treasure to the kids AND me.

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