April 02, 2008

I'm The CEO

I attended a seminar about reenergizing oneself today. The presenter reminds people that they are the CEO of their careers. If I add to that, I would say, we are the CEO of our lives.

No more blaming opportunities never knock, others not supportive, media not on their side, market not going up… You are totally responsible for who you are and where you are. Ok, there may be some tragic situations that make some exceptions. But that's rare. In general, you are the CEO and there should not be any excuse. Wake up, plan and act. Don't just wait, think and complain.

There are three Es that would help: Education, Exposure and Experience. Get the training needed, network with people within and outside the company, learn from experiencing various projects. Meanwhile, don't forget to set the goals, evaluate and redefine. Make sure you have the right attitude.

I know where I want to go. I have pretty good idea how to get there. I am working damn hard to prepare myself on the way. I have a strong desire to achieve more. I hope my Princesses would do the same. Hope I could be their good role model. Raising my Princesses is my most important business; I could afford to fail everything else but this.

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